About Us
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Nigeria was established on 1st May 1988 and incorporated on the 6h May 1996 to provide a part to a recognized professional qualification in accountancy of international standard which would be open to all men and women solely on the basis of education and ability. The Institute is a professional association of Nigerian citizens and an examining body to carter for the shortage of professional accountants in the public and private sectors of the Nigerian economy.
The Institute was founded for the following objectives inter alia:
•To provide an organization, National and International in scope and activity for all Accountants, Treasurers, Financial officers in both public and private sectors of the Nigerian economy
•To unite all Nigerians holding local and foreign accountancy qualifications who are being employed as accountants in the public services of the Federation; industrial, and commercial establishments and those in self employment as financial, and management and tax consultants
•To ensure a professional status necessary to promote and encourage the study and development of the art and science of accountancy in public practice, industry, commerce and public sector
•To develop from time to time standards in accountancy, auditing and taxation which will meet both Nigerian and international standards.
•To hold examination in accountancy and other subjects relevant to the profession and to issue certificates of merit on the results thereof and to make other awards as desirable
•To secure the highest professional standards by admitting to membership only persons who qualify by examination and who have practical experience.
•To regulate the discipline and professional conduct of its members
•To hold conferences, workshops, seminars and symposia for discussion of accountancy matters and duties, presentation of papers, literature, and to issue copies of abridgement of position papers, books, lecturers, records and other memoranda
•To install a high standard of professional ability by means of regular publication of journal of the institute and to disseminate professional accountancy knowledge