Certificate Diploma Examination Entry Form The Registrar/Executive Chairman Governing Council -Tel: 08023468733, 08033005035, +15063801210Deputy Registrar North- Tel : 08063105222,+96565085704,+95651798523PrefixMr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.MissDr.Prof.First Name *Middle NameLast Name *Student Address *Examination Center *Upload Passport Picture *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileDate For Examination: April/OctoberTick Your Part Enteries WithPart 1 Entry FeePart 1 Subjects - (1)Principles of Accounting, (2) Economics, (3) Bus. Moths and Statistics, (4) Introduction To Bus.Mgt, (5) Law 1Part 2 Entry FeePart 2 Subjects - (1) General Studies, (2) Public Accounting 1, (3) Principles of Taxation, (4) Public Administration, (5) Auditing 1, (6) Introduction to Computer & MIS (Data Processing)Part 3 Entry FeePart 3 Subjects - (1) Costing, (2) Business Law, (3) Public Accounting 11, (4) Taxation & Tax Management, (5) Auditing Practice, (6) Research Method/ProjectStudent Registration Number *Have You Ever Sat ForTthe Institute’s Examinations or Had Any ExemptionsYesNoUpload EvidenceDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesTotal Amount PaidChequeCashTransferTerms And Conditions *I have read and understood the examination regulation and promise and promise to comply there withDate *Signature, Put Initials *Submit